
“As you come to the Lord to pray, bring a full heart of pure love, a love that is not seeking anything for itself. Bring a heart that is seeking nothing from the Lord, but desires only to please Him and to do His will….Learn to love God just because you love Him, not because of His gifts, nor even for His precious presence.”

-Jeanne Guyon in Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ

In John 15, Jesus talks about how God is the Vine and we are the branches. The only way to bear fruit of any kind is to be connected to the Source which is God Himself. However, even beyond fruit-bearing, there is extreme importance in cultivating union with God. We will explore what must remain at the center and priority of every believer, living in perfect union with God. We will explore the lives of people in revival history who valued union and rearranged their lifestyles to cultivate that as well as interview present day people going after this. Get ready to encounter God in deeper measures as you lay aside all activity simply to behold His beauty and dwell in His presence.


With Special Guests Liz Wright + Brian Simmons

Required Reading

The core reading for this module is Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ and reading through Song of Songs in the Passion Translation.

It is highly suggested to also read pages 1-57 in Union with God.

Further Optional Reading

Our heart is to raise up spiritual mothers and fathers to steward the incoming billion soul harvest.

By integrating revival history with present day revivalists, we cultivate revival in family by bringing together fiery revivalists from around the globe to burn together for more of Jesus in our online School of Revival intensives and through our other trainings and resources.

Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!

Jen Miskov, Ph.D., Founding Director of School of Revival and co-author of Defining Moments