Encounter Workshop

Are you longing for a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit?

Do you want to learn how to partner with the Holy Spirit to lead people into life-changing encounters?

Do you want to learn more about seeing in the Spirit and encountering the angelic?

Do you want to go deeper in the Spirit alongside a vibrant revival family?


Join Louise Lopez and I as we partner together equip, train, and activate you into positioning yourself for, stewarding, and leading others into encounters.

Session 1: Leading People into Life-changing Encounters with Jesus with Jen Miskov

I realized that one of the most prominent fruits and testimonies that have come from my ministry is that people have defining moments or life changing encounters with Jesus. When I reflected and processed this as well as studying revival history and revivalists for over two decades, I learned that there were actually keys that everyone can do to both position themselves to encounter more of God as well as lead people into deeper encounters with Jesus. In this session, I will be teaching you practical tools in how to partner with the Holy Spirit to do exactly this. We will also have time together on a private zoom call for a debrief as well as a chance to be in a small groups where you will get to go deeper with other revivalists from around the globe as well as activate the teaching to lead each other into encounters together.

Session 2: Learning to See in the Spirit & Encountering the Angelic with Louise Lopez

In this session, you will get to hear Louise’s personal journey of waking up the Welsh Revival angel along with other encounters she’s had with the angelic. Her heart is to awaken the church to encounters with God and to activate people to see in the Spirit. After her teaching session, she will join us on a private Zoom call for Q & A and for Activation. Louise and her husband Gabriel are good friends with School of Revival and have been guest teachers in SOR 101: Family is the Fireplace of Revival where she shares the whole story of waking up the Welsh Revival angel as well as SOR 200: Welsh Revival Challenge.


9:00-12:30pm (PST)

9:00-9:45am How to Lead People into Life changing Encounters with Jesus with Jen Miskov

9:45-10:45 Debrief and Small Group Activation on private Zoom

10:45-11:00am Break

11:00-11:45pm Encountering the Angelic & Awakening the Church to Encounters with Louise Lopez

11:45-12:30pm Q & A and Activation with Louise on private Zoom