
School of Revival family has had a significant impact on my spiritual walk. I was a mature Christian pastor but was seeking a group of people who were hungry for the fire and power and intimacy of fellowship with God.

I bought a book by Jen Miskov called Fasting for Fire while at a Rand Clark conference. I read the book and learned about School of Revival. After I emailed Jen Miskov, I was invited to join a SOR intensive called Harvest.

I quickly learned that the culture of School of Revival was to give your total “yes” and pursue God with reckless abandon. One of the facilitators Sara K., warmly welcomes everyone, gives space for testimonies, and then discusses the books we are reading and amazing video interviews we watch in the online zoom class. Everyone is encouraged, championed, and inspired to walk out the teachings through our interactions and activations. There are breakout rooms where students and leaders talk, are prophesied over, prayed for and encouraged.

The entire experience is like joining a family of people that are sold out, surrendered, and pursuing an intimate love of God and others.

I have been challenged to evangelize, pray in tongues more, and started a ministry among homeless preaching to them on Sundays and feeding them as well as involving other churches in outreach opportunities. This was all a direct result of joining School of Revival.

Jen lights a fire, burns brightly, and encourages us all to do the ministry while staying intimately connected to God and others in our SOR family. We champion each other, cheer each other on, pray for each other, and ignite passion for Jesus and revival! 

Come join our family and burn for Jesus with us!

I was touched so deeply by God and my group prayer today. I felt on fire all day and my body kept shaking. I’m amazed at what God has done.

My greatest testimony was that the live grace and presence of the Lord filled me and things in my life actually happened.  I created a painting, launched a prophetic art camp, was called and given minister credentials that were in process and my two sons were given favor to go to school and money.  It was like receiving tangible grace on everything I touched.  Where there was hesitation, I received perfect clarity, where there was hurt, I received healing, where the was loneliness I received being known.

-Jennifer Kiesser, OR

I cannot tell you how honored and known I feel. This class has itself been a healing balm for me. Jennifer, your “yes” to this call has changed my life. You steward the presence of God well and the intimacy you have with Him is so visible! I thank each one of you!

It has given me confidence to follow the Lord and be comfortable with who I am.  In this season my heart has been broken so intimacy and vulnerability was not something I wanted to give.  But this school helped my heart to stay open and heal a wound that should have taken longer to heal.

-Kim Williamson, MS


This school has stirred the gifts and callings and the mantle that has been on my life before the foundation of this world. It was also given me the push that I needed to step out into the deep waters. In addition, to be able to have a spiritual community and family has affirmed and accepted what God is doing in my life, which is healing for me because of my past rejections.

-Nikkole Worship-Wilson, TX

The word “revival” is frequently used in many churches and ministry streams. We all say that we want revival, but do we really know what that means? Do we really know what we’re asking for when we say, “Lord, send revival?” By taking a close look at revivals through history, The School of Revival answers those questions and identifies those common elements necessary to welcome and sustain revival. I knew of some of these elements prior to taking this class, but now these are clear given God’s history in revival. As a senior leader, the identification of these key elements is essential to establishing ministry mission priorities and activities in preparation for, in experiencing, and sustaining revival. Kingdom come!

-Steven Salsman, MD

I have a crazy testimony. Wednesday night when Dr. Jennifer Miskov prayed to sever the spiritual noose around my neck, I didn’t know she was talking to me. But I received that prayer and continued praying everything she said multiple times that night and the next morning. I could imagine the noose being the reason my neck is curved the wrong way, bent sideways some and has degenerated discs. Throughout yesterday I noticed my neck wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable or in as much pain as usual, almost like I didn’t hardly have to think about it. I usually think about it nonstop. Anyhow, I went to the chiropractor today (prescheduled) and shared with him about Wednesday night, including the noose vision and how I was feeling. He said “you’ve never walked in here and told me your neck felt good!” He felt around my neck as I continued to share, and then instead of adjusting my neck he pulled his stool around and said, “what denomination are you?” Then said “you know I’m a Christian, I believe God did something in your neck, and I can’t out-do God. I’m not adjusting or touching your neck today. A lot of the tension in your neck is gone.” He said to wait and review it again next week. God is good. And I think it sparked something in my chiropractor. He seemed amazed and shocked and curious. I went on a limb to share the deep details but I wanted him to know and see what he thought. I’m glad I did. Thank you all for your prayers that night.

Jacqueline Crow, TX 


I was so blessed by learning of those who sensed revival in their bones before it was ever manifest, and who partnered with the Spirit to birth what they were sensing. It was not only a marvel to admire, but it was a call to step into. Learning of these revivals birthed an expectation, hunger, and eagerness to see the Spirit release revival again, and it was so encouraging and stirring to realize that I can be a part of releasing and stewarding the next great move of Holy Spirit and whatever He wants to do.

The biggest takeaway from this class was that I don’t have to wait until revival is manifest before I begin to partner with the Spirit for its release on the earth. What God has done in my life during this time of class has been so encouraging. Doing this course helped me realize that even though I didn’t see it during the hard times, that God has been doing a massive work in my heart, and that He is going to be faithful to release what he has planted in me to feed others as well.

-Jessica Lewis, CO

This time together has been filled with life. Each moment, an encounter with Holy Spirit and an awakening within. The fire deposited will ignite more flames. The wonders that will be birthed will be fruitful in each of our lives. Thank you Jen Miskov for creating the space for the flames of revival to be lit. This time was powerful and I am grateful.

-Nicole Hilliard, FL 

This school has propelled me to launch boldly into the next phase of my ministry. He used this school to heal me from many of the hurts and misunderstanding that I’ve experienced from a lifetime of being a pioneer. I feel this school caused me to “throw off everything that hinders and run the race marked out for me.” I experienced a more complete surrender to partnering with the Holy Spirit in ANY way He asks me to help release His FIRE on this planet. I threw off the binds of fear of man and self-loathing and am stepping fully into who God made me to be in order to release the message and sound he’s given me to the world. This school was both healing and commissioning. My life will be different from this point on.

-Courtney Goodwin, OR

I know that I will never be the same again!  I feel more confident, bold, peaceful and ready to move forward in my destiny.  I have always been very hungry for God and ran after Him hard, but the battles were fierce and it seemed like there was so many wounds and battle scars that I was just pushing forward slowly when I really wanted to run. Now I feel like the shackles were taken off my feet and not only can I run, but fly.  The anointing, prayers, love, and unity in this group has broken off so much fear and insecurity and I will forever be grateful for what God has done!  

-Sandy Bates

I feel God healed my heart and also helped me understand and be thankful for the way he made me and also be encouraged about my life experiences and even failures. I was able to see the goodness in even things that became closed doors. 

-Marya Gjorgiev, WA

I am a new person, a turtle that is finally out of her shell! I have a new sense of worth and value in the Lord. He has used this school to show me that He has created me uniquely and that He wants to use me and speak through me. I now have a new perspective and community. SOR came at the perfect time! 

SOR has been one of the biggest blessings of my life! Learning from Jen about the pioneers who have paved the way for what we walk in today has been amazing. I  saw how the Lord used ordinary men and women to bring His fresh fire and anointing to the earth! This has inspired me to seek the Lord for more of His presence and fire. Each guest speaker we heard offered something unique and special. Time in the breakout rooms with the participants allowed me to develop new friendships. I have a brand new sense of value and worth in the Lord. I am forever changed and am so grateful! 

-Kim Benson, NC

The biggest impact SOR had on me was FAMILY. And God’s commissioning me back to Singapore. I surrender. I am ready and am now looking forward to it, at least I know I’m not alone. Thank you Jesus.

I actually didn’t know why I joined the school at the start. It wasn’t logical as this was my busiest week where I had to prepare for book launch and also speaking session on 5 August. It was in fact, the most stressful season for me. However, I realized that I needed this. I needed the prayer and the fellowship to go through what I did. I had the best presentation ever and I believe it was the prayer of family who helped me. I also felt such rest and peace it was surreal.

My biggest defining moment was waking up at 3am to just join the debrief. I sat in my bed contemplating if I should just pop in for debrief but noticed that the session was delayed. To God’s extravagant grace, I attended the session on Maria Woodworth Etter and something lifted off me. I felt empowered as a female leader to step forward like her. I realized I don’t have to have everything together to step out in faith. Most importantly, the desire I had for God’s power was evident in her life. LIQUID FIRE! I want that. It’s not a dream of what I read about in the Bible. It is true, it happened in the past and it can happen now. I love that the family talked about the wondrous things of God, things I had craved for but don’t have anyone near me who has seen it. My benchmark is completely raised to A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. It will be bigger than what Maria Woodworth Etter had seen! And God uses a woman who is willing to step out in faith! And the most marvelous thing is that He could be using us, His pioneers to step out in faith for that. How wonderful! I ask that God use me mightily as I return to Singapore, to Asia, to the land I had prayed over many years back and have laid it aside thinking it was not possible. It is time, it is time for Asia to be ablaze with His Fire and make a difference in this world.

-Ruth Saw, Singapore


I couldn’t imagine not doing the Pioneering School of Revival after Ignite Azusa Challenge. I just felt a strong prompting of the Holy Spirit to do the school. I was not prepared for the profound impact it would have on my life. Learning about past revivalists and how passionate they were towards God, was so thrilling for me. Who doesn’t want to be so intimately connected to Holy Spirit that people within a 20 mile radius fall slain in the spirit and then get up changed and impacted by the Lord forever? If that doesn’t stir a hunger and thirst for more, I don’t know what will! The main thing is more of the Lord! The main focus is Him! Connecting with Him AND Connecting with each other. It was powerful to see God work in each one of us, breaking down walls within, bringing His healing balm to broken and hurt places, loving on one another through encouragement and prayer, and then further encouraging each other to step up and step out into what God has individually for each one of us. It was beautiful to watch and participate in!

-Sara Kleppinger, VA

I had so many encounters from Consecration 202. I came into the course hungry for more of God and to learn to walk in consecration before God, what I didn’t realize was that God was setting me up to be planted in the family of burning ones, to bring deliverance, break limitation off me and launch me into new realms of possibilities.

-Comfort Olutola, England

During SOR 202, God showed up in my life so tangibly. He transformed parts of my life that I had been wrestling with for years. God told me to stop drinking in such a powerful way and I obeyed. I had major breakthrough in healing of mental/emotional health, major breakthrough in a God dream (buying tickets to visit Africa for first time). I am grateful for Jen in using her gifts and being obedient to God to offer these classes and make space for the work of the Holy Spirit. I won’t ever be the same. I love and know The Father, Son and Holy Spirit even more. Thank you Jen and SOR family!

-Kimi Finely, CA

I think the effects of being around like minded people have been one of the biggest effects for me being a part of SOR. There is a synergy created when you are apart of a community unified in going after one thing. Seeing that over the internet has given me more hope and resolve to experience it here where we live. This Family has continues to teach me that Revival isn’t something we ask for….it is something we are.

-Luke Whitfield, Zambia

The impacts of being a part of SOR has definitely been a deeper walk with God, a desire to live a consecrated life, more awareness of Holy Spirit and hunger! I can’t go back to living a life without fire!

I went into Consecration 202 with a hunger for a deeper walk with God. I’ve been coming out of a season of severe anxiety, which was a day to day survival and I needed to get to a place of realigning with God again. I really didn’t know where to start because so much of everyday was about distracting myself from what I was feeling and keeping my mind busy so I wouldn’t be focused on feeling fear. I needed desperately to go deep again with the Lord, but after coping for so long, I didn’t know how to slow down enough to do that. The Welsh Revival class reminded me of how worthy Jesus is and Consecration 202 led me in the next step of slowing down to focus and listen to His voice. I’m still in process, but I have so much more joy, hunger and dissatisfaction with living a common life. I’m ruined for the ordinary, praise God!

-Megan Yates

My family and I took Jen’s School of Revival Consecration course, deciding to join their beautiful family for such a time as this. During the entirety of the class we were challenged by Jen, the guest speakers, and the entire SOR family, to go deeper. We learned about the true meaning of consecration, a set apart lifestyle that stems from a wild and passionate love. We also learned keys that would make consecration applicable to every aspect, and every day, of life. We also had the great opportunity to hear the testimonies of friends who were also committing to a consecrated life. The testimonies of our new family stirred us to run harder. The following week my husband was in worship and felt the Lord challenge him with the word in Luke that says not to look back once you’ve set your hand to the plow. He walked out of the room and knew the Lord was calling us into greater consecration. Being amid the SOR family, in this new season of pioneering our non profit, has been unbelievably value!!!!

-Monica Sotolongo

The biggest impact this school has had on me is it lit me on fire again. It fanned into flame the revival fire in my belly, and branded me as set apart and for God's use. The entire family has been impacted. I believe for us it was a course correction. It has refocused us on God's Kingdom, instead of earthly concerns. There is a great acceleration now happening in our family through this school.

-Sharon Tuemmler